Welcome – Schools in the parish re-opened during the past week and normality has returned for families. Best wishes to all the children, their families, teachers, schools and so many grandparents who are ‘back on duty’. It’s a lovely time of the year filled with excitement and energy.
Parish Life – will return to normal in the coming days and weeks as different ministries, organisations and representative groups reconvene after the summer. May God bless our parish and all those who give their time and talents to it. In the coming year we will continue to work more closely with the other parishes of Ballinlough, Blackrock Road and Mahon in our Family of Parishes.
Altar Servers – in the coming weeks we will work towards introducing a number of altar servers in the parish. We are blessed that a good few families are with us each weekend for Mass and if a family would like to support their child in becoming an altar server in Blackrock Parish, please let us know.
Do This in Memory Programme – This parish programme for the children preparing for First Holy Communion in 2025 and their families will take place again this year. Arrangements will be finalised in the coming weeks for this wonderful programme.
Prayer and reflection – a few people have come forward to say that they would like to gather a small group for this along the lines of centring prayer and Christian meditation. If you are interested in this, please let us know. The vision here is a small group who might gather once a week for prayer and reflection.