Easter greetings to all who are serving in the Church’s ministry of communication! Bishop Fintan has written to priests of the diocese about dedicating this month of May to responding to the invitation from Pope Francis to have a part in the Synod taking place next year. During May, a number of initiatives will be taking place in the Diocese of Cork and Ross. I know that many people have been asking about how to connect with the Synod. Now we can answer that question! With your help! Fr. Tom Hayes PP VG
It’s not every day that the Holy Father asks every Catholic in the world to have a say in the life of the Catholic Church! During this month of May, our diocese will be opening up ways for people to have a say and to listen and have an input into next year’s Synod meeting in Rome which is called by Pope Francis. The easiest way to find out more and to have your say is to go to http://synod.corkandross.org where an online confidential questionnaire is available to be filled in. (It’ll take about 15 minutes.) It’s open until May 24th. All the responses will be collated and added to the feedback from meetings being held across the diocese with randomly selected groups during May. A summary document will be forwarded from our diocese at the end of May. So, it’s time to have your say at http://synod.corkandross.org.