27th October 2024

The journey towards faith has many dimensions. Firstly, there is our need (expressed in the Gospel as blindness). Secondly, the courage to name our need, even in the face of opposition. Next comes our encounter with Jesus and our cry for help, guidance, healing. Naming our need is insisted upon by Jesus as an essential step, because faith is so much more than believing lots of doctrines. More fundamentally, it is an act of trust, a putting of myself in relationship and being able to receive from God whatever it is we need. This is the faith which makes us well.

God, our light and hope, be our guide on the path of life and on the way of faith. Help us to be aware of our blindness, especially when we think we can see. With your healing touch, may we be filled with light and joy. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

K O’Mahony OSA