
Do This in Memory Programme ~ 10th November 2023

This Saturday evening, we welcome the second class children and their families from our parish who are preparing for the Sacraments of First Confession and First Holy Communion next year.  We will begin our Do This in Memory programme in the parish with the children and their families as they enrol for the sacraments in…

Praying and Remembering ~ 4th November 2023

Praying and Remembering

During the week we celebrated a poignant and beautiful Remembrance Mass here in the church in memory of those who died during the past year.  There was a very big attendance as we prayed together.  Families were very grateful for the opportunity to gather together in this way.  We will continue our…

NOVEMBER ~ 29th October 2023


November can be a very dreary time and exactly mirrors our liturgical time of remembrance and prayer for the faithful departed.  The falling leaves mirror the cycle of life and death.

As always, Jesus Christ guides us to places where He has already gone Himself.  That is the hope of our Christian remembrance and…

Thank You Fr Colin ~ 22nd October 2023

At 11am Mass this weekend, we are delighted to welcome Fr. Colin Doocey to celebrate Mass for and with us.  We also welcome his mother Marie and family members who join us as well.

In welcoming Fr. Colin and his family, our parish wants to thank him in a public way for his dedicated ministry…

RALLY TO THE ROCKIES ~ Friday, 27th October 2023, from 10:30am to 12pm


The Rockies GAA Club takes pleasure in extending A HEARTY CÉAD MÍLE FÁILTE to it’s Friends & Followers to A General Get-together at The Rockies Club, Church Road on Friday, 27th October 2023, from 10:30am to 12pm.

Tea, Coffee & Light Refreshments will be served. MEET OLD FRIENDS & MAKE NEW…

Falling Leaves ~ 15th October 2023

Autumn is finally upon us.  Over the last few days, leaves are everywhere and we are blessed with beautiful autumn colours.  Hopefully we can enjoy these things and see the greatness of God in them.

Our minds and hearts begin to turn to remembrance and prayer for those who have died recently or perhaps many…

Our Family of Parishes & Other Parish News ~ 8th October 2023

This weekend, we welcome the SMA priests from Blackrock Road Parish to celebrate our weekend Masses.  Fr. John Denvir SMA Co-PP and Fr. Jerome Amounu SMA CC will celebrate Masses here in St. Michael’s.

This is the first such time that priests will rotate between parishes which will happen once a month.  Mons.…

St Michael’s Church Choir New Members ~ 5th October 2023

Once September arrives each year and, as the days shorten into winter, St. Michaels Church Choir resumes its important role in adding to the liturgy at the 11:00am Sunday Mass.  The choir has been in existence since the 1970’s and, since 1979 has been under the direction of Jane Fitzpatrick.  Presently it numbers…

Cancellation of First Friday Exposition 6th October 2023

First Friday Exposition: Due to the ongoing painting in St. Michael’s Church, Exposition will not take place on Friday 6th. October. Apologies for the late notice and any inconvenience caused.

Synod (2): There is no need to worry; but if there is anything you need, pray for it ~ 3rd October 2023

Synod (2): There is no need to worry; but if there is anything you need, pray for it.
Accompanying the Synod

The Synod (“walking together”) in Rome is the most important church “event” in our lifetime, with immense potential for how we serve and proclaim the Gospel today and…