
God is With You & Parish News ~ 19th January 2024

God is With You

The readings and the Word of God this weekend can touch our lives and hearts.

In the gospel Jesus goes into Galilee after the arrest of John the Baptist.  He is launching into the unknown and He is a lone voice.  In the first reading there is a similar narrative where…

Come and See ~ 12th January 2024

Come and See

Our gospel text at Mass this weekend is more notable for what it doesn’t say rather than what is included.  This is often the case and is the reason why we need to take time to listen carefully rather than rushing to apply it.

The simple words of Jesus are…

The Baptism of the Lord & Parish News ~ 6th January 2024

The Baptism of the Lord

Our church ‘clock’ is still somewhat on Christmas time which concludes this weekend with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.  Our family clock is already set for school and work with parents and grandparents back on routine duties.

Why this feast of the baptism of the…

Happy New Year ~ 30th December 2023

Happy New Year

We had a wonderful celebration of Christmas in our parish and throughout our Family of Parishes this year.  We had huge attendances at all Christmas Masses in St. Michael’s.  There was a sense, this year, that attendances continue to return to normal after the pandemic.  Please God, this will continue…

HAPPY CHRISTMAS ~ 23rd December 2023

Happy Christmas

This has been a hard year for many people and families.  While advertisers and social narrative suggest a perfect world, we approach Christmas looking for comfort and reassurance that the promise made to us in our faith will be fulfilled that ‘A Saviour is born to us, He is Christ the…

Advent and Christmas & Parish News & Events ~ 15th December 2023

The presence of the newborn infant in our church crib on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning will put a smile on our faces.  Our faces can be tired and worn from the events of life and of the past year.  Perhaps this year someone is absent from your house?  We lovingly remember those who have…

Sounds and Voices of the Children ~ 8th December 2023

Sounds and Voices of the Children

It’s important to say that we are still in Advent.  Over the next two weeks our church will be a very busy place as schools practice and celebrate their carol concerts and nativity plays.  There is always great excitement and energy as the children prepare with their…

O Come Emmanuel & Christmas Arrangements ~ 1st December 2023

O Come Emmanuel

Happy New Year or, more correctly, Happy New Church Year!  Yes, we start the new year this weekend on the First Sunday of Advent as we light the first candle on the church Advent Wreath.  This one candle looks a bit lost and isolated for a week or two until the full…

Christ the King ~ 24th November 2023

02Unexpectedly during the past week, events unfolded in Dublin which have deeply affected people.  We think of the children involved, their families, their carers and school community.  The subsequent street violence has shaken people sowing fear, doubt and vulnerability.  We all continue to be grateful for the dedication and bravery of our emergency services and…

Mary of Nazareth – Our Lady of Palestine, Queen of the Holy Land ~ 17th November 2023

On a pilgrimage to the Holy Land a number of years ago, one of the pilgrims in our group asked the guide if a certain place that we were passing through was in Palestine or Israel.  The guide who was Arabic and worked as a teacher in Nazareth memorably replied, ‘this is all the Holy…