
Welcome to St Michaels for Personal Prayer

To maximise the number of people that can join us for Personal Prayer, we have made a number of changes to the church so that we comply with HSE guidelines and keep everyone safe.

Please use only the bottom half of the church and exit from the left only, using the one-way system following the…

2020 Mass of Remembrance

Our annual Bereavement Mass for those who have died in the past 12 months will take place this year during the Novena for the Holy Souls each day from Monday 2nd to Friday 6th November 2020 at the 10am Mass. With the current restrictions in place, unfortunately, we are unable to have members of the…

Catholic Papers Update ~ 22nd October 2020

The Catholic publications continue to be available at St Michael’s every day. Three weeklies are available – Irish Catholic, Universe/Catholic Times & Tablet, one fortnightly – Catholic Voice and two monthlies – Messenger and Catholic Herald. Something to suit everyone! You may be able to help to get a paper for someone who is no…

New Covid-19 Restrictions ~ 6th October 2020

Bishop Fintan Gavin has written to priests of the diocese regarding the new restrictions.
Following the government announcement yesterday evening that the entire country will be elevated to Level 3 of the national plan for Resilience and Recovery Plan of Living with Covid-19 the following changes will take effect from midnight tonight 6th October.

Our Church Bell is Back

On Wednesday 16th September our Church Bell tolled again for the noon Angelus. It is wonderful to have had the necessary repairs completed and it can now call our parishioners to prayer for the various Masses and especially at Funerals after an absence of several weeks.

Bishop asks people to wear face covering in church ~ 22nd August 2020

Bishop Fintan Gavin has asked people attending church in the Diocese of Cork and Ross to wear a face covering. This message has been communicated to priests and people of the diocese today.

“In light of the renewed government guidance issued last Tuesday, I would ask people to wear face coverings in…

St Michael’s Church Silent Bell ~ 4th August 2020

Have many parishioners noticed the Church Bell has been silent for the last 2 weeks? The bell was giving trouble for some time and it is now being repaired. One of the units has been removed and hopefully, it will be sorted in the not too distant future. When the Angelus, Mass…

A Message from Fr Colin ~ 24th July 2020

Welcome back everyone to the public celebration of Mass. It is great to see so many of you returning to the church and may you have continued strength and good health to do so.

The past four months have been unprecedented. It has been a very tough and challenging time for all…