JESUS IS THE FIRST ~ 10th May 2024

Published on May 10, 2024

This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension.  In the gospels, Jesus is the first to take on the Cross and suffering so that we need not be afraid or destroyed by our suffering.

He is the first to be raised from the dead so that we can have life, optimism, hope, joy etc.  At the Ascension, He is the first to enter into heaven.  Why?  So that you and I can have the same experience.

He say somewhere else, ‘I will go before you into Galilee’ as an image of our suffering.  He goes before us into Heaven so that we can have peace, contentment, serenity in our life.  Why not?  All these are possible.  So we don’t stand looking into the sky but say, yes, I want to follow and I know that I can have true happiness and peace.

Fr. Michael

98th Cork Eucharistic Procession will take place on Sunday 26th May beginning from the North Cathedral at 3pm.  The Procession will cross the river over Christy Ring Bridge and conclude with Rosary and Benediction in St. Peter and Paul’s Church.  The theme this year is ‘Communities of Faith’ with a special emphasis on bringing so many new faith communities together.

Collection for Mission and Ministry – The Annual Collection for the Office of Mission and Ministry takes place this weekend.  This office provides supports to develop the faith life of parishes.  It will be taken up after Mass as you leave the church.

Mission Awareness – this year the Spiritan Order are speaking at Masses throughout the Diocese.  They will speak at Masses in Blackrock Parish next weekend 18th & 19th May.

The Remembrance Mass in St. Michael’s Cemetery will be celebrated on Wednesday 26th June @ 7.30pm.