Published on March 29, 2024

Despite the showery and cold weather of the past week, we have celebrated a wonderful Holy Week.  We have journeyed from the Upper Room and Garden of Gethsemane on Holy Thursday, faithfully followed the route of the Passion and death of Jesus through the streets of Jerusalem and Golgotha on Good Friday to the moment of the Resurrection of Jesus on Holy Saturday and the Empty Tomb.

Today we celebrate Easter and like the disciples and others in the scriptures in the coming days, we will meet the Risen Jesus.  We may struggle to recognise the Risen Jesus in the ongoing troubles and worries of our own lives and of our families as well as the unspeakable suffering of war in so many places this year.  However, we believe the proclamation that ‘He is not here, He has risen’.  We will experience these words when hope prevails and truth wins out.

May you and your families experience the Risen Jesus this Easter.  This is our hope and our joy.  Have a blessed and Holy Easter this year.

Fr. Michael


Trocáire Boxes – Please return to the Church very soon.  Trocáire envelopes are also available in the church if you wish to contribute in that way.

Easter Dues Envelopes have been delivered to homes and sincere thanks to so many people who have returned these during Holy Week.  It’s also possible to contribute Easter Dues via the parish website www.stmichaelsblackrock.ie/donate/

Day of Talks and Christian Meditation – with Fr. Donagh O Shea O.P. on Saturday 6th April 2024 in Sacred Heart Missionaries Hall, Western Rd. Cork.  Registration 9.30 a.m. Beginning at 10.00 am concluding with Mass at 1.00p.m.  Tea/coffee provided at 11.00am.   Donations €10.