Celebrate Baptism
This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord as Jesus is baptised in the River Jordan by John. Jesus enters into the waters of baptism in the same way that we celebrate the baptism of so many children in our own parishes. He ‘joins the line’ with others to show to that his humanity is like ours. Jesus puts a spark of eternal life and a new spirit into us. He makes it possible for us to do extraordinary things, such as forgiveness and mercy, the miracles of normal life that make us truly special as people.
As a parish and Family of Parishes community we celebrate the baptisms that take place each week. We never take for granted the sacred decision that parents and families make as they arrange themselves to bring babies and children for baptism. Every time, I celebrate baptism in St. Michael’s and other churches, it is a special moment. Life is increasingly complicated and we don’t know the future but we can put the fundamentals of Christian life in place as we choose and celebrate baptism.
May the Lord bless the newly baptised, their parents and families, proud grandparents, godparents and our beloved church and parish.
Fr. Michael
085 9735905
Christmas Offering Envelopes – Sincere thanks to so many people who have been wonderfully generous in their Christmas Dues this year and in the offertory collection at Christmas Masses. Some Dues envelopes remain available in the church. Dues can also be offered online via the Donate button on the parish website. Fr. Michael
Do This in Memory Mass – for the children preparing for First Confession and First Holy Communion will take place on next Saturday 18th January @ 6pm.
Confirmation Enrolment – for young people in our local schools will take place on Saturday 25th January @ 6pm.
Fáilte – welcome to representatives of the Diocesan Perpetual Adoration Committee who will speak at Masses in St. Michael’s and in our Family of Parishes after Communion this weekend inviting support for perpetual adoration in Cork city centre based in the Cathedral Family of Parishes. May the Lord bless their ministry.
Diocesan Needs Quarterly Collection – The next quarterly collection will take place on this weekend of 11th/12th January This quarterly collection allows the Diocese to provide ongoing supports to parishes in many areas. It contributes to the day-to-day running costs of the Diocese including the cost of personnel, utilities (light & heat, phone, postage & stationery, repairs & maintenance, insurance), professional fees, primary and secondary school religious advisory costs, safeguarding, data protection, mission and ministry and levies paid by the Diocese for national hierarchy costs in Maynooth. People continue to be very generous to these quarterly collections over the years an