BLESSINGS ~ 12th April 2024

Published on April 12, 2024

Blessings – In the coming weeks we will be celebrating the sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion in the parish.  These are special days so please pray for the children so that they will always remain close to God in their lives and realise the beauty and value of their faith in God.

The next Do This in Memory Mass will be celebrated this Saturday evening in the church.  We also look forward to Sunday 26th May @ 11am Mass when all the children and their families who will have received First Holy Communion are invited to be at Mass together on that day.

Fr. Michael

Parish Visitation of the Sick

If you are know of someone in the parish and area who would like to receive Holy Communion in their home, please let us know by contacting Fr. Michael (085 8735905 or )

Choir Interchange

St. Michael’s Church Choir has been invited to sing in the Church of the Incarnation, Frankfield on Sunday April 28th.  The church choir from St. Mary and St. John’s in Ballincollig will be with us for 11am here in St. Michael’s on that day.  The choir interchange is part of the Annual Cork International Choral Festival this year.

Thinking about the Diocesan Priesthood – There is a special ‘Come & See’ afternoon for men aged between 18 and 40 who may be thinking about Priesthood for the Diocese of Cork and Ross. It will take place from 2-5pm on Sunday April 28th in Mardyke House, Cork City (T12 W8RP). The afternoon will include time for prayer, reflection, discussion and a social dimension. For more information email